#1 in the Ark-La-Tex

Friday, September 5, 2014

Toyota Taking Rain Check on Self-Driving Vehicle


Toyota, as well as many other auto-makers, has invested a lot of time and effort into creating vehicles that can drive themselves. But Toyota has decided to pull the plug on the research for now due to shortage of technology and legal issues. Instead, they have decided to use some of the impressive safety technology in their newest vehicles. Toyota promises that by 2017 their vehicles will offer collision-prevention technology. While the vehicles will not be able to drive themselves completely, they will be able to steer themselves just enough to stay centered in the lane. Toyota also hopes to include cameras in their vehicles that monitor the drivers hands and eyes. This means if your hands come off the wheels or your eyes veer off the road, an alarm will go off. Even though self-driving vehicles are not right around the corner like we expected, these technology advances are incredible and should make driving even safer! Kudos to Toyota for taking this big step. To see incredibly safe vehicles that are available right now from Toyota, stop by Yokem Toyota and take one for a test ride.

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